How Far Is It? & How long
(figures based on 70mph-car, 500mph-plane, 17,000mph-rocket)
Many times people have simply far is it from ?? to ??
So lets list a few of those answers and add more as we go.....
From EARTH - How far is it to our planets
(our moon and pluto inc)
& how long would it take?
(rounded up & in a straight line
no going around the earth first! & no stopping!)
(in order from the Sun)​
our Sun .... 93 million miles
153 years
22 years
33 weeks
Mercury .... 48 million miles
79 years
11 years
17 weeks
Venus .... 38 million miles
62 years
9 years
14 weeks
Mars .... 33.9 million miles
56 years
8 years
12 weeks
Saturn .... 746 million miles
1,220 years
171 years
5 years
Neptune .... 2.7 billion miles
our moon .... 238,855 miles
21 weeks
20 days
14 hours
Jupiter .... 365 million miles
597 years
84 years
2.5 years
Uranus .... 1.6 billion miles
2,616 years
366 years
11 years
Pluto .... 2.66 -4.67 billion miles
(take at an average of 3.6 billion miles)
Heading 4
4,415 years
618 years
18 years
5,886 years
824 years
24 years