Why become a member?
1. Networking with like minded people provides greater opportunities to further your interests and remain stimulated!
2. It provides a culture for community growth in our specialist subject interest!
3. Provides further education and training - you know what they say...learn something new every day!
4. It can further inspire your interest and encourage development of new areas yet to be explored!
5. Allows you to give back and share what you have learned!
How to become a member?
* You can be assigned 'Silver' or 'Gold' memberships depending on if your able to contribute to 'skyatnight'. Occasional contributors are awarded 'Silver' and regular contributors are awarded 'Gold' with assigned appropriate badges. (you do not need to contribute to become a member)
* simply join using the button below and follow the instructions.
* Then complete the 'Contact Us' boxes and tell us below:.
* Describe your history of star gazing...i.e. new, experienced, number of years.
* List any associations you are a member of.
* What equipment are you using for star gazing? ..etc...etc..
Thank you for joining us